The SOP That Got Me A Canadian Student Visa Within Two Months

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By the Mercy of the Almighty, I have earned the privilege of pursuing a Master’s Degree at Lakehead University in the province of Ontario, Canada. While this 8-month-long process consisted of many steps, one of the most important parts has always been the Study Plan included in the applicant’s Student Visa application. I submitted my Visa application on June 7th and fortunately got the approval on August 1st.

Since a considerable number of people have asked me to share my Study Plan or SOP with them, I’m providing it below for everyone to go through.

Best of luck to all new applicants!

Being a unique combination of an experienced content writer and a graduate in Computer Science & Engineering, I constantly find myself in the extraordinary intersection of creativity, science and marketing. Sitting at the vantage point of such vastly distinct perspectives, I have been drawn to
the world of data science. While working with Google Analytics in order to ensure effective keyword placements for SEO-friendly articles, I first came across the power of organized data.

This constantly evolving and drastically versatile field has the incredible power to extract useful information from a sea of disorganized data within seconds. It can also generate insightful predictions by analyzing past data.
Being proficient in the programming language of Python, successfully completing Data Visualization projects and undergoing virtual workshops conducted by experienced American data scientists, I have been trying to build myself as a promising professional in this field. However, as
per the advice of these specialists, earning a postgraduate degree from a globally reputable university is one of the cornerstones of having a long-lasting well-established career in this field.

Fortunately, I have earned admission into the Masters in Computer Science program at the prestigious Lakehead University of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The majority of courses offered here revolve around my area of interest, i.e. data science. For instance, the courses offered in the Fall/Winter semesters usually include Big Data (5012), Machine Learning and Neural Networks
(5011), Pattern Recognition (5013), Natural Language Processing (5014), Artificial Intelligence (5313) and Deep Learning (5421).

In addition to introducing me to relevant cutting-edge technologies and providing me with a faculty proficient in this area, the Computer Science department of Lakehead University can also prepare me for the industry with its highly selective co-op program. Similar programs and opportunities are not available yet in my native land Bangladesh. Here, we are taking the first steps towards a future of regularly implementing ideas and technologies based on data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Bangladesh, as of now, lacks the systems and frameworks to train us properly in this regard. Hopefully, by being a trained individual in this area myself, I can return to my motherland and contribute to its growing community of promising scientists.

This country is also the place where my family – immediate and extended – has lived since birth. Being the elder daughter and the eldest grandchild, I carry a substantial amount of responsibilities on my shoulders. Especially after the passing of my mother in 2015, my role in their daily activities and future plans has grown significantly. For instance, my aging father relies on me for certain household activities, managerial tasks and technological support, while my brother needs my help in his studies.

As a result, it is imperative for me to return to my homeland after completing the M.Sc. program and pursue a high-level job in the area of data science to build my new career without missing a beat.

In the meantime, I can learn some valuable lessons and make friends from different cultures by being part of the multi-ethnic student body of Lakehead University, as well as the equally diverse population of Ontario.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    congratulations to your new journey!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. samasamrin says:

      Thank you so much! ^_^


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