Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: My Favorite Moments

Things just got out of hand… so, SPOILER ALERT!

Of course, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is the movie we Marvel fans have been waiting for since 2019! After living in an actual dystopian world for two years, it would be one of the few movies to bring us back to our pre-pandemic selves. So, understandably, the stakes were incredibly high.

As every MCU movie released nowadays comes with a lot of interaction between multiple characters from other MCU movies, we definitely expected this movie to have more than just Stephen, Wong and Wanda.

And, as usual, MCU did not disappoint!

While the entire movie was a SUPREMEly enjoyable ride with tons of action, callbacks and immersive visuals, I personally felt ecstatic at these particular moments. Feel free to share your favorite moments in the comments!

1. Stephen Strange Fiesta!

Those of us who can’t resist diving into the predictions and trailer breakdowns presented by different YouTube channels, already knew there will be at least three Doctor Strange variants in this movie including Defender, Sinister and a zombie version.

What I loved about the movie was how unpredictable their appearances on screen were despite knowing that. The movie opened with Defender Strange jumping through a surreal realm with America Chavez, who unfortunately passed away pretty soon.

Although we couldn’t see Defender Strange for long, he came back as the Zombie Strange in the third act and looked pretty good for a corpse.

Also, the moment Sinister Strange’s third eye popped up in the forehead made me cheer so hard! The accompanying music added the extra element that elevated the excitement and made it a very memorable scene.

2. Identity Theft is Not A Joke!

Before watching this movie, I saw someone post in an Office Fan group on Facebook that there is a treat for The Office fans here. I genuinely was just expecting a joke that refers to the series.

But whoa! A whole Jim showed up?! As Reed Richards?! Like we all had been asking for a WHILE!

Jon Krasinski was so good as Dr. Richards and he refers to his family, which I have already assumed includes Emily Blunt as his wife Susan Storm. Because, one can dream!

3. She Can Do This All Day

She said it! She said the words!

I loved her as Captain Carter in What If last year, but she looked so much more gorgeous in this live-action role!

But the cherry on top was when she said the classic Captain America line “I can do this all day” while fighting with the Scarlet Witch.

4. Hi Dementors! Long time no see!

Literally, the moment I saw those black skull spirits, I said exactly that.

It seems, Zombie Strange also saw those Harry Potter movies and was brave enough to defeat them, as well as USE them to end the chaos caused by Scarlet Witch.

5. I…See…You….

The way Scarlet Witch used the mirror dimension to attack people through reflection and crawl into reality with disfigured limbs was AMAZING! I love how this movie has embraced horror and creepiness despite the franchise known for being too PG-13.

6. Music Fight!

I have never seen anything like this and I loved every moment of it. Our Doctor Strange and Sinister Strange from the alt-reality started using musical NOTES as their weapon?!

After falling in love with Moon Knight and being under the spell of Doctor Strange MoM, I can’t wait for everything else Marvel has to offer. Since Spiderman No Way Home, it has been on a roll with all these hits. Eagerly waiting to see Natalie Portman appear as Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder coming on July 8th.

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